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Eating Our Way To An Early Grave...
Are we willing Slaves to the toxins, being provided as foodstuff today?
Are we guinea pigs willing to test the latest fads without research?
Do we trust the producers and manufacturers too much?
Have we shifted the responsibility of our health and welfare to the state and commercial businesses?
Are we really that lazy, that with our God given gift of choice... we choose foods to dull our brains, poison our systems, burden our bodies and teach the same to our children?Do our children not deserve the same nutrition we received when we were growing up?
Yes, I agree, some of these food processes make our lives easier - but others... you really have to weigh up the consequences of chronic use and using a little more time and effort to conserve a Status Quo in our bodies.
A meal does not have to incorporate 3 huge courses... nor does it have to be totally raw and unpalatable. There are many shades of grey between those extremes - the trick is to find out what you as an individual need in terms of nutrition and then add some treats occasionally. Be sure to make lifestyle choices rather than diet... know why you eat something besides the taste, research quick and easy ways to prepare foods as naturally as possible to preserve the taste and nutrients.
Try growing your own orchard fruit and vegetables/salads, so you have more control over what you ingest.
Check the ingredients in prepared, packed and canned foods - watch for the preservatives (to extend shelf life); the flavourings to make it palatable (usually including a lot of sugars - maybe more than one and salt - again more than one) these generally also work as preservatives in certain foods and in both prepared and fresh foods watch for pesticides, herbicides, hormones, GM (genetic modification) and other such additives.
Many of the pre-prepared foodstuffs, intentionally or not, are designed to make you want more.
Our bodies are designed to use certain things to function optimistically e.g. Vitamins, Minerals, phyonutrients e.t.c and if we don't ingest these requirement, we can still feel hungry, the brain emitting this signal hoping that you will ingest something with the required nutrients. When the body get the right amount of these basic requirements, you tend to feel full after a reasonable amount.
By not providing the right nutrients, but providing sugar and salt - in volumes some times above the recommended normal daily consumption, many food manufacturers, create a following of consumers, who do not do the research on what their body needs to operate optimally, who in turn teach this way of shopping to their children. Unfortunately, with much of these types of foods, if you follow your stomach and don't engage your brain and self discipline, you could just keep eating the same stuff - high carbohydrate, low nutrient, easily accessible foods. This form of nutrition is generally more noticeable in the so called diet foods, which is the prime reason people find it so hard to loose weight.
The body metabolises these foodstuff and produce what nutrients it can get from it, then the rest become waste and toxins. The more refined/processed/contaminated the food, the more toxins it produces. The more toxins produced, the more fat has to be produced to protect your organs from over working trying to cleanse the body. The more fat produced, the more weight you put on. the more weight you put on, the more stress is put on the organ especially noticeable are the lungs and heart, but the kidneys, liver, spleen and skin all start to suffer and fail to operate efficiently and this how dis-ease is able to take hold.
Life giving foods are the foods that eaten as natural as possible... no I don't mean without flavour or seasoning - I mean with as little processing and heat as possible with the exception of flesh foods, this is very possible.
Steam cooks very quickly without losing too much nutrients.
I recommend roasting, slow cooking, baking or boiling meats (meaning all flesh foods) especially in soups - where you keep all the nutrients of the ingredients, in the broth.
A moderate change of diet is the best way... as drastic change will produce withdrawal/detoxing symptoms such as headaches, pimples, aches and pains, nausea e.t.c. This may discourage you and make it easier to revert into poor eating habits.
A moderate change of diet is the best way... as drastic change will produce withdrawal/detoxing symptoms such as headaches, pimples, aches and pains, nausea e.t.c. This may discourage you and make it easier to revert into poor eating habits.
Teaching by example is so much easier than preaching!! Show your family how to do it!!
The Best Lessons Are Taught and Stored Between The Ages of 0 - 7 years old, but the 'better late than never' senario works too.
Research suggests that any action repeated over a 3 week period, becomes a habit, so just persevere - 3 weeks goes by so quickly and you will reap the benefits.
At our core... we know what's good for us and what's not and YES it comes down to choices and self discipline.
It's a good idea to treat your body to a detox, once a month, to relieve the burden from the organs, which get a good flush and have less work to do.
Focus on the end goal - forget the slip up's and forge ever forward - knowing you are a work in progress and find pleasant healthy ways to reward yourself for your progress - 'cos you will feel it!
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To Your Health,
Be Healthy, Be Happy, Be Love... Be Phenomenal! :)
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Focus on the end goal - forget the slip up's and forge ever forward - knowing you are a work in progress and find pleasant healthy ways to reward yourself for your progress - 'cos you will feel it!
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To Your Health,
Be Healthy, Be Happy, Be Love... Be Phenomenal! :)
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Detox -
Forever - F.L.P - Aloe Vera - Detox, Cleanser, Healing, Soothing, Calming, Antibacterial, Antifungal, Antiviral, Catalyst (allow quick absorption of other nutrients - supplies vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, amino acids & much more
Forever Freedom® provides the usually recommended amounts of Glucosamine Sulfate (1500mg), Chondroitin Sulfate (1200mg) plus 750mg of MSM and 250mg of Vitamin C per 4oz serving.
Forever Freedom® provides the usually recommended amounts of Glucosamine Sulfate (1500mg), Chondroitin Sulfate (1200mg) plus 750mg of MSM and 250mg of Vitamin C per 4oz serving.
Oxypowder Colon Cleanse - Easier to take as it in capsule form
* Colonics from Vital Minerals - comes in a powder form, teaspoon to be mixed with a little water - no real taste as such, but very effective, find out more here
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