Wednesday, 30 September 2009

How To Live A Healthy and Happy Life


My friend David Riklan sent me this interesting article which I wanted to share with you.
Please feel free to pass this page on to anyone you feel may benefit from this information.

How to Live a Healthy and Joyful Life - By Dr. KElly Sennholz

I was asked to write a list of my favorite health habits. Below is the list I created to assist you with living your healthiest and most joyful life.

Eat high fiber

A diet high in fiber provides relief or prevention of constipation, decreased risk of some types of cancer, decreased cholesterol, deduced risk of coronary disease, blood sugar control, reduced risk of type II Diabetes, and decreased risk of obesity. The varies for age and sex but in general getting 28 to 30 g of fiber a day is a good start. Take a couple of days to mentally measure the amount of fiber you're taking in.

Eat healthy fats

In general, fats from fish, flax seed oil, butter and nuts, hemp seed, walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts and eggs from chickens fed a diet high in greens and insects are all good food sources of healthy fats. Healthy fats reduced inflammation in your body, improve blood clotting, create healthy cell membranes, lower bad lipids, decreased artery thickening, reduce the risk of obesity, and may inhibit cancer cell growth.

Exercise regularly

I hate going to the gym. However, I love to get my exercise by doing activities that are fun. Take a walk and look at the flowers. Join a sports team and see what you can do. Stretch yourself a little bit every day. Just move. Your body will love you and it will be fun.

Eliminate refined carbohydrates

I call these the "white foods." Most of the foods you can think of that are white (bleached flour, sugar, white pasta, candy) are not good for you. I'm not just talking about weight gain or control of calories. I'm talking about the hormonal and chemical alterations that cause in your body which lead to lifelong decreased health.

Sleep 7 to 8 hours a day

Sleep deprivation leads to decreased immunity, weight gain, depression, mood swings, vascular disease, and many more ill effects on your body. For people doing shift work, it is even a higher priority to stay in tune with your body and to listen to what it needs. Don't overdue caffeine and none after 4 p.m., bedroom for sleep and sex only, eat no later than 2 hours before bedtime, no raucous T.V. before bedtime, create a ritual that honors your life and your body (many people journal, meditate or pray right before sleep), address health issues that impede sleep (like sleep apnea, menopause, etc).

Take quality supplements

It is prudent for adults to take a multivitamin every day because of the decreased nutritional content of our food, the increased processing of our food supply, and the substitution of healthy foods with unhealthy foods. The USDA surveyed 16,000 Americans and found that not one person obtained 100% of essential nutrients such as magnesium, vitamin D, and zinc. Similarly, children and adolescents did not obtain enough essential nutrients such as folate, vitamin C, and calcium.

Reduce stress

If you have a stressful life my recommendation is insert into your day what I call "peace breaks." It can happen in your car, the bathroom, when you take a short walk around the block. Let your blood pressure fall, your mind relax, and to consciously put your attention on peacefulness and releasing any thoughts. Do this 2 to 3 times a day, especially right when you wake up and right before you go to sleep.

Be cognizant of children

Be an example of health in front of your children. Don't reward with candy. Reward with time, reading, love, and attention. Stand for healthy habits in schools. Be a mentor. So many people I know have come from hard beginnings to become truly magnificent people. The commonality in all of them is they had at least one person in their childhood who really cared.

Eat breakfast and eat a low glycemic, Mediterranean style food pattern
Eating a healthy breakfast (low glycemic, high nutrient foods) helps maintain hunger levels, sugar levels, and healthy eating throughout the day. Keeping a steady blood sugar throughout the day by eating 5 to 6 small, low glycemic, Mediterranean style meals appears to be a delicious and healthy way to maintain your physique and avoid disease.

Find passion in your life
I believe what you create with your life is your individual expression of the divine. It all counts. What matters is the love you bring to your life. Express your life with passion and know that it is received with enthusiasm. You matter more than you will ever know.

Challenge yourself

What have you wanted to do in life that you just haven't taken the time for? Is it a trip? Taking a challenge in your relationship? Reading a new book or taking a new class? Stepping just a little bit out of your comfort zone can make life exciting and full. Bring your spouse along if he/she will come. Make it a family affair. You only pass this way one time.

Create habit

The opposite of new challenges is the steady hand of habit. Creating habits can open space and energy for creativity. What part of your life feels confusing and out of control right now? What habits could you install to balance this chaos? By creating a life of habits, you also make room for challenges and inventiveness.

Have a healthy social circle

The belief systems you develop are deeply influenced by the people in your life. Who in your life supports your most deeply felt beliefs? Who in your life moves you away from your emotional, financial, spiritual and physical center? How much time do you spend with these people? If your only circle of friends is the people you work with every day, it may be time to open and widen the circle a little. Make one new friend and cultivate that friendship. Choose a friend who is loving and supportive, who fills your life with positive words and be that friend to others. Studies show that lifespan is greatly influenced by the company you keep (or lack thereof).

Laugh a lot

When is the last time you belly laughed? If it has been a while, perhaps it is time to lighten up. Look for opportunities to laugh. Make your family and friends laugh. Play a gentle, loving trick. Get tickets to a comedy club where a lighthearted comic is playing. Spending the evening laughing with your friends may put a whole new veneer on your week.


I am speaking specifically of volunteering -- an act or donation that is mainly anonymous and brings worth, peace and love to the world. Here is a partial list of the reasons and benefits: make new friends, build confidence, see more of your community and the world, gain important skills and experience, relieve stress, fight boredom, make a difference in the world, and just have fun. It is truly exhilarating to be surrounded by giving, loving people in the act of improving the world for those around you.

Put these concepts in practice in your life. Find one small way to make the world a little better today. If we all do that, we have created a movement of health, love and joy. Be a part of the movement today!

About the Author:
Dr. Kelly Sennholz is the founder and Chief Medical Officer of Symtrimics LLC, a Physician Prescribed Wellness Program. She has been instrumental in creating excellent health for thousands of patients and transforming medical practices to true sources of health. Symtrimics allows doctors to once again feel satisfaction in their medical practice and real relationships with their patients.


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Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Green Tea - The Benefits

Matcha Japan Kyoto Uji - Finest quality Japanese Green Tea

Matcha Japan Kyoto Uji - Finest quality Japanese Green Tea

High grade fresh green tea powder packed fresh all year round obtained directly from Japan in airtight packaging for ensured goodness and quality. Our matcha only comes from Japan, the region where best Matcha is produced.

Green tea is a wonder beverage. It has been consumed in Japan for over 800 years, and science is now just beginning to discover the remarkable benefits of this comforting and satisfying drink. “Traditionally, tea was drunk to improve blood flow, eliminate toxins, and to improve resistance to diseases” (Dufresne and Farnworth, 404). Green tea specifically is known for its role in “antimicrobial, immunostimulatory, anticarcinogenic, and anti-inflammatory capacities and for its protective effect against cardiovascular diseases” (Sato and Miyata, 315).

Matcha, or rubbed tea, was first used by Buddhist monks for religious rituals in the 12th century. This ceremonial green tea comes from the careful harvesting methods of the finest young Gyokuro (Jade Dew) leaves.

For this particular type, the leaves are covered three weeks prior to harvest and left laying flat to dry, leading to darker leaves with an increased amount of amino acids and a sweeter taste. Harvested only from plants that are over 30 years of age, the shading causes the plant to rush chlorophyll to the leaves in an effort to capture the energy of the sun. The leaves are then harvested and dried, ground to a very fine, jewel-green, talcum-like powder.

Antioxidant Powerhouse as Cancer Preventative

As more is learned about its benefits, green tea’s popularity has been thriving in other countries for hundreds of years. It is a rich, natural source of antioxidants. Antioxidants are molecules that can safely interact with cell-damaging free radicals and terminate the chain reaction before vital molecules are damaged (as in Vitamin C), or seek out and scavenge free radicals (as in Vitamin E). Green tea contains 70 times the antioxidants of a similarly sized serving of orange juice.

Drinking tea induces a light sweat which washes away one's worries and prevents the body from becoming fat. If one drinks a strong cup of tea after a meal, it will remove any oil or fat and make the belly feel refreshed.

Tea causes one's eyes and ears to brighten. It stimulates the appetite and removes the effects of alcohol. It dispels tiredness and quenches thirst. It both prevents one from getting cold and causes the body to cool down when too hot. Tea also makes a very good fertilizer for potted flowers and plants.

Pure 100% MATCHA Japan 40g makes 160 cups of tea

Suitable for/with:

  • Traditional tea ceremony
  • Boosts metabolic rate by 35-40% in regular drinkers, thus assisting in weight loss
  • Removes oil and fat from body after meals
  • Removes effects of alcohol, reduces hangovers
  • Cakes, cheesecakes, breads
  • Milkshakes, frappucinos
  • Cooking
  • Tea-ramisu
  • Ice-cream, cream cheese and yogurts
  • Improving general health

RRP £17.00


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Melatonin - More Than The Sleep Hormone

Melatonin - More Than The Sleep Hormone

Melatonin is the hormone responsible for regulating the body’s biological clock. Most commonly used to regulate sleep, the antioxidant properties in Melatonin also help prevent illnesses commonly related to aging, such as heart disease and cataracts.


NOW® Melatonin pharmaceutical grade with a minimum purity of 99.6%.

Melatonin is the all-natural nightcap. It's secreted by the pineal gland, a pea-size structure at the center of the brain, as our eyes register the fall of darkness.

At night melatonin is produced to help our bodies regulate our sleep-wake cycles. The amount of it produced by our body seems to lessen as we get older. Scientists believe this may be why young people have less problem sleeping than older people.

Studies suggest that melatonin supplements can hasten sleep and ease jet lag, without the hazards or side effects of prescription sleeping pills.

It may have many other uses and has been reported to make people feel better, strengthen the immune system, and reduce free radicals in the body. Current research is underway to determine it's effect as an anti-oxidant, immno-modulator in cancer, delayed sleep-phase disorders, and jet lag. Tests are still under way so there is much to still be learned about it and its effects on the human body. Travelers and people suffering from mild sleep disorders.

• Promotes restful, deeper sleep
• Hastens sleep and eases jet lag
• Strengthens the immune system
• Reduces free radicals

Amount Per Serving: Melatonin 3mg

Serving Size: 1 Tablet

Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement, take one tablet about 1 hour before bedtime with juice or water. Relax.

Free Of: Yeast, wheat, gluten, corn, soy, milk, egg, additives or preservatives.

Other Ingredients:

Dicalcium Phosphate, Cellulose, Magnesium Stearate and Stearic Acid.

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Healthy Food Combinations

Healthy Food Combinations
Please feel free to pass this page on to anyone you feel may benefit from the information.

Article - AstroNutrition - January 27, 2009

Eating healthy is great but to ensure that you are truly getting the most out of your healthy meals it is important to look at food parings. Some food pairings can enhance the nutritional value of each other, while other foods eaten together can actually cause harm to your body.

Certain foods play well with others, while others lose strength in pairs.

1. Tomato & Avocado. Separately, these two are both so good for you but together they are even better. Tomatoes contain high amounts of the antioxidant lycopene and eaten with avocado actually makes the body absorb seven times more lycopen than it normally would. Avocados contain healthy unsaturated fats and any food containing fat will release more antioxidants* in the vegetable. If you aren't a fan of tomato and avocado you can also use olive oil on your vegetables or in your salad dressing to get the same effect.

2. Grapes & Apples. These two foods are a great pairing as a snack alone or within a fruit salad. Apples contain a flavonoid called quercetin and grapes contain catechin. Pairing apples and grapes with each other actually makes blood platelets less sticky so that they do not cause blood clots or clog arteries.

3. Spinach and oranges. Spinach contains a high amount of calcium and iron and oranges contain a high amount of Vitamin C. Iron and vitamin C eaten together are the perfect pair- vitamin C makes it easier for your body to absorb iron. Try adding mandarin orange slices to your spinach salad or drink orange juice with oatmeal or iron enriched cereal.

Along with eating healthy combos you should also drink healthy combos. A couple of pairings to avoid altogether are alcohol and energy drinks as well as alcohol and diet soda. Not only are they extremely dehydrating, but the amount of caffeine found in energy drinks is terrible for your body. Stick to good old water or naturally flavored juices.


Some Tips on Do's and Don't's for mixing foods

DO mix grilled steak and Brussels sprouts
It turns out that certain compounds in Brussels sprouts (and other cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli and cauliflower) may help rid the body of carcinogens that can form on meat during high-heat cooking.

That said, loading up on these vegetables doesn't give you license to char meat, chicken, or fish on the barbecue. 'It's always best to cook meat or fish at low temperatures until it's done,' says Kristin E. Anderson, Ph.D., a cancer epidemiologist at the University of Minnesota's School of Public Health and Cancer Center, in Minneapolis, Minnesota. 'And if there are burned pieces, trim them off.'

'Eating a steak or any fatty food with any vegetable can release its antioxidants,' says Steven J. Schwartz, Ph.D., professor of food science at Ohio State University in Columbus. 'But small amounts of healthy unsaturated fats are a better choice.'

So add a little extra-virgin olive oil to your zucchini, spinach, and other dark green vegetables to unleash the carotenoid lutein, an antioxidant that may help protect against age-related macular degeneration. And instead of using fat-free dressing on your salad, drizzle on an olive oil--based one.

DO mix avocado and tomato
Tomatoes, which contain the antioxidant lycopene, are a super food. Eat some avocado at the same time and you've got a super super food -- the fat in the avocado helps the body absorb seven times more lycopene.

DO mix spinach and oranges
Although spinach has lots of iron, your body doesn't absorb it well when spinach is eaten alone. (Sorry, Popeye.) But with vitamin C by its side, this vegetable becomes a true standout.

That's because vitamin C converts the iron in spinach into a form that is more available to the body, says Liz A. Applegate, Ph.D., director of sports nutrition at the University of California, Davis.

This holds true for other vegetarian sources of iron, too, such as broccoli and tofu. It doesn't take a lot of C, either. One medium orange will do. You could also add to a spinach salad half a red pepper, several thick slices of tomato, or 1/2 cup of sliced strawberries -- all good sources of C.

DON'T mix alcohol and energy drinks
While you might not chase a vodka tonic with a Red Bull (like certain celebrity party girls), some teens you know might, and you should tell them it can do more than provide a sizable buzz: It can send them straight to the ER.

This unhealthy combo can cause heart palpitations and breathing difficulties. In severe cases, it could even lead to a heart attack or a stroke, says Roger A. Clemens, Dr. P. H., an associate director of regulatory science at the University of Southern California School of Pharmacy, in Los Angeles.

Overloading the body with stimulants like caffeine, which is found in many energy drinks, and alcohol, which is a depressant and a diuretic, puts tremendous stress on the central nervous system and heart. So put at least a few hours between your caffeine and alcohol consumption. Real Simple: Refreshing summer drinks

DON'T mix alcohol and diet soda
Yes, you'll reduce calories by asking for diet soda in your rum and Coke, but you might get drunk faster. In one recent study, it took just 21 minutes for half a diet cocktail to leave the stomach and reach the small intestine, where most alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream, while the same amount of a non-diet concoction took 36 minutes.

'The calories provided by food or a sugary mixer slow the emptying of the stomach, so you get drunk less rapidly,' says Chris Rayner, Ph.D., a gastrointestinal researcher who conducted the study at the Royal Adelaide Hospital, in South Australia.

If you still want to stick with sugar-free but don't want to get the spins, have a small snack beforehand, says Rayner. A few slices of cheese and a few crackers contain a good mix of fat, protein, and carbohydrates and should help slow stomach emptying.

DON'T mix coffee and breakfast cereal
Most cereals sold in the United States are fortified with iron. (A good thing, since 1 in 10 women has low iron levels.) Problem is, if you sip coffee while eating your Wheaties, polyphenols, an antioxidant in coffee, can hamper the body's ability to absorb the iron.

Coffee isn't the only offender. Black tea and some herbal teas (including peppermint and chamomile), which also contain polyphenols, have been shown to reduce iron absorption by as much as 94 percent, and hot cocoa cuts it by 71 percent.

The solution? Pour yourself a cup of java before or after your cereal. According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, a cup of coffee one hour before an iron-rich meal didn't affect absorption. And if you choose to get your fix after breakfast, wait at least an hour or more.



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Sleep Is Essential For Brain Development

Sleep Is Essential For Brain Development

Article - January 28, 2009
Everyone has the occasional sleepless night due to an illness, injury, stress, or otherwise. Having trouble sleeping regularly though, is a problem that requires treatment. Human beings are so reliant on sleep for basic mental and bodily functioning and when this sleep is disrupted if affects us in more ways than we know.

Neuroscientists now believe sleep* is essential for proper brain development and also has an effect on how we perceive our world when we are awake. Our brain converts our experiences into a more permanent form which is stored in our brains as memory and lack of sleep can interfere with this process. Sleeping problems are also linked to mental disorders such as depression, Alzeimer's disease, and schizophrenia. Scientists believe that sleep gives our bodies the chance to repair our bodies and minds as it is impossible to do this when we are still using our bodies. Lack of sleep not only puts stress on the body but it also impairs our basic functioning. Sleep deprivation leads to impaired reaction time, delays in speech, and leads us to make decisions we would not normally make as the human brain cannot function properly without adequate amounts of sleep. In fact, our basic biological need to sleep is so great that our bodies sometimes simply shut down which can be deadly. A prime example of this is when over tired drivers fall asleep at the wheel causing an automobile accident. A human being can only go so long without sleeping before the body simply shuts down.

Adults need about 7-8 hours of restful sleep every night and children need even more. If you have a sleeping problem, try natural sleep aids such as Chamomile tea, meditation, yoga, hot baths, or melatonin.

Sleep* - Sleep Well, Be Well!
The Benefits of Sleep

Why do we need sleep? Scientists believe that sleep gives our bodies the chance to maintain and repair our bodies and minds. Each night we cycle through 5 stages of sleep ranging from light sleep to deep, deep sleep, and finally, to rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Then the cycle starts over again with varying times spent in each stage until we are spending nearly all of our time in stages 1, 2 and REM sleep. A complete sleep cycle takes 90 to 110 minutes on average.

While we sleep our brains are using important neuronal connections that might otherwise deteriorate from lack of activity. During deep sleep, brain activity that control emotions, decision-making processes, and social interaction shuts down, allowing us to maintain optimal emotional and social functioning when we are awake. Cell growth and cell repair takes place to combat the affects of stress and UV rays in this stage as well. Hence, deep sleep can truly be called beauty sleep. Sleep also helps our bodies fight infection. This is because our immune system releases a sleep-inducing chemical while fighting a cold or an infection. Sleep helps the body conserve energy and other resources that the immune system needs to mount an effective attack.

Our bodies have a built-in indicator for when we fail to get enough sleep. Lack of sleep affects our nervous systems by leaving us drowsy and unable to concentrate. Not getting enough sleep also leads to poor memory and physical performance. If sleep deprivation continues, hallucinations and mood swings may develop. In the same vein, sleeping problems are common in both mental and physical disorders including depression and schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease, stroke, cancer, and head injuries. These sleeping problems may arise from changes in the brain regions and neurotransmitters that control sleep and from the drugs used to control the symptoms of these disorders.

The Dangers of Sleep Deprivation

The average adult appears to function best with 7 to 8 hours of sleep while infants need 16 hours of sleep and teenagers need about 9 hours. If you have been sleep deprived, your body will try to adjust by increasing the amount of sleep that you need. How do you know if you need more sleep? Experts say if you feel drowsy during the day or if you routinely fall asleep within 5 minutes of lying down, you probably have sleep deprivation. Sleep is often the first thing to be sacrificed in our busy lives to get more done. But we are putting our well-being in danger as well as our health.

Bradley University researchers say that overall sleep deprivation strongly impairs human functioning. Moreover, mood is more affected by sleep deprivation than either cognitive or motor performance and that partial sleep deprivation has a more profound effect on functioning than either long-term or short-term sleep deprivation. Therefore, while we may get used to a sleep-depriving schedule, our bodies do not.

We pay the price for sleep deprivation with impaired reaction time, judgement, and sometimes our lives. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, driver fatigue is responsible for an estimated 100,000 motor vehicle accidents and 1,500 deaths each year. Moreover, sleep deprivation magnifies the effect of alcohol on the body. Caffeine and other stimulants cannot counteract the effects of severe sleep deprivation. If you are having trouble keeping your eyes focused or if you can't remember the last few miles, you are probably too drowsy to drive safely. What is the solution? Take a nap. According to a study conducted by the Karolinska Institute and National Institute for Psychosocial Factors and Health, Stockholm, Sweden, a 20 minute nap has a definite, marked effect on alertness. In subjects that took a short nap after experiencing sleep deprivation or a shortened sleep cycle, performance of visual vigilance tests improved while self-reported feelings of sleepiness decreased.

Getting a Good Night's Sleep

1. Keep a set sleep schedule. Go to bed each night at the same time and get up at the same time. It's tempting to sleep in on the weekends, but what you end up doing is re-setting your sleep schedule, making it difficult to get up the rest of the week.

2. Exercise helps you fall asleep and can improve the quality of your sleep. Exercise daily and be sure to exercise 5 or 6 hours before going to bed.

3. Avoid caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol. We are all aware that caffeine is a stimulant, but nicotine and alcohol intake keeps you in the lighter stages of sleep and deprives you of deep sleep and REM sleep.

4. Relax before going to bed. Make a relaxing routine such as a warm bath or reading part of your bedtime ritual.

5. Wake up with the sun. Sunlight helps your body reset your biological clock each day. If you are having trouble falling asleep, due to jet lag or mild insomnia, experts recommend exposing yourself to an hour of morning sunlight or using very bright lights in the morning to help reset your biological clock.

6. If you can't sleep, get out of bed. Do something else until you feel tired, like reading or watching television. Lying in bed feeling frustrated because you can't fall asleep can actually contribute to insomnia.

7. Be comfortable. Maintain a comfortable temperature in your bedroom. Being too hot or too cold can disrupt your sleep or prevent you from falling asleep.

See a doctor - if you suspect you have one of the following sleep problems:

Insomnia - frequent or long-term inability to fall asleep.

Sleep Apnea - interrupted breathing during sleep characterized by loud snoring, obesity, and excessive daytime sleepiness.

Restless Legs Syndrome - unpleasant crawling or prickling sensations in the legs and feet and an urge to move them for relief. Characterized by constant leg movement during the day and insomnia at night.

Narcolepsy - Falling asleep frequently during the day even if you have had a normal amount of nighttime sleep.


Sleep Your Pain Away:
These Tips Show You How

By Steven Hefferon, CMT PTA

What's the most time-consuming thing you do, day in and day out, everyday of your life? Eating? I hope not. Sitting in traffic? Ditto.Watching TV? Nope. It's sleeping.

You spend between six and 10 hours a night in bed. That's one-third of your life. And when it comes to back pain, those are some of the most important hours in your day. Sleep helps your body heal. It's really the only time your muscles can completely rest and recover. There are a ton of studies linking sleep with healing. They show that, among other things, human growth hormone and melatonin, both of which play a big role in tissue recovery and immunity, are produced during sleep.

So if you're not getting good sleep — whether it's due to pain, anxiety, fear or whatever—you're not giving your muscles, especially your back muscles, time to rejuvenate themselves for
the next day's activities.

Believe me, I know. In my struggles with all kinds of pain over the years, I've come to understand first-hand the importance of restful sleep. In this article, I'd like to share with you what I've learned.

What's the Best Mattress

Is firm better than soft? From a physiological standpoint, a more supportive mattress is better regardless of what sleep position you prefer.

But having said that, the real answer is this: The best mattress is the one that helps you sleep well and wake up without any added pain and stiffness. It's really about personal preference and what you are used to.

In my experience, I have tried them all. I tried a memory foam mattress but it was too soft. (I gave to my parents, and they love it.)
I now use a firm box spring and mattress plus a towel under the sheets to give added support to my hips and pelvis.

Special Secret Tip:

You read that right — I put a towel under my fitted sheet. A small blanket works well too.
Here's what you do: Fold the towel or blanket in half (and in half again if it's thin). Place it under the fitted sheet—so it doesn't move around during the night—under the small of your back and spreading down toward your knees.

This extra support helps prevent your pelvis from sagging into the mattress. It might only make a difference of a few millimeters. But that is a huge difference when it comes to preventing the added stress that comes with remaining in any sleeping position all night long.

What's the Best Position to Sleep In?

As with the mattress you chose, the position you sleep in is based
on your personal preference or physical limitations based on pain or restrictions from your doctor because of surgery. In general, back sleeping is the most stable position for your spine and the least irritating to your muscles. Side sleeping is the next best. Stomach sleep is the least desirable if your back is not adequately supported.

I personally like a modified side-lying position, using full-length body pillow. I sleep 'hugging' the pillow with my arms and legs, which is really comfortable and takes pressure off my lower back. You should try it. Body pillows can be found at most retail bedding stores. They are not expensive and may give you an alternative sleeping position that will make a big difference in your comfort level, thus improving the quality and duration of sleep.

Why am I Sore When I Wake Up?

Typically, those with back pain don't roll over as much as those without pain. You may even find your self with limited movement. And because the hips are the heaviest part of the body, they sag into the mattress over time.That puts undue pressure on the ligaments, joints and muscles of the lower spine. This is why I recommend the added support under the fitted sheet.

Think of it as like stretching the same muscles for six to eight hours straight. Would that feel good? Of course not. So it's no wonder you wake up sore. Find a way to support your body and you will minimize the irritation.

I hope these tips help, and I encourage you to think of your own comfort-enhancing positions and/or techniques.

A Few More Tips

* Don't drink any fluids 60 minutes before bedtime. This is so
you don't have to go to the bathroom and then have trouble falling back asleep.

* No physical activity for at least 45 minutes before bed.Exercising will rev your body up, making it hard to calm yourself and fall into a restful sleep.

* Take 10 deep breaths as you tell yourself you are going to sleep.When you awake you will be feeling great and ready for the new day.

* As you lay in bed ready to go to sleep, reflect on your day.Express gratitude and give thanks for all you have. It helps you look forward to waking up with renewed enthusiasm and the belief that tomorrow will bring you one day closer to your goals.

* Dress in warm bedclothes if you are cold and cool clothes if
you are hot. I have taken this to the extreme and love the results. I wear wool socks, flannel pants, a sweatshirt and a knit hat. It sounds strange, but if you can minimize the stress on the body in this case trying to keep warm your body will be more relaxed. Healing is always better when the body is relaxed.

* Do some reading. In my work on back pain, I scour the latest resources and reference guides. So let me recommend and urge you to read the best book ever written on sleep. It's called 'Power Sleep: The Revolutionary Program That Prepares Your Mind for Peak Performance,' by Dr. James B.Mass. It's available on for about $10. That would be money well spent.


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Yeast / Candidiasis


Women may be more susceptible to vaginal yeast infections if they are pregnant or have diabetes. The use of antibiotics, use of birth control pills, or frequent douching also can promote yeast infections.

Candidiasis is an infection caused by species of Candida fungi, especially Candida albicans. The two strong antifungal herbs that are most often mentioned first in treating candidiasis and yeast infections are black walnut and pau d'arco. A more common household herb, whole cinnamon, taken in tea or tincture form, is also an effective treatment for yeast infections that are resistant to treatment.

Black Walnut In one study, fresh black walnut husks killed Candida yeast better that commonly prescribed antifungal medications.

Black Walnut Juglans nigra
Common Names
Black Walnut ,

Botanical Name
Juglans nigra


Black Walnut Medicinal Properties & Benefits
Common Uses:
Abrasions/Cuts *
Candida/Yeast Infection *
Parasites/Worms *
Sore Throat/Laryngitis *

Properties: Antifungal* Antiparasite*
Parts Used: Walnut hulls
Constituents: Juglone, vitamin C, zinc

Walnut hulls are found in many
herbal cleansing formulations

Walnuts are a good source dietary source of serotonin and one of the best plant based sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Herbalists are more interested in the bark, leaves and nut husks of black walnut. Black walnut hulls contain juglone, a chemical that is antibacterial, antiviral, antiparasitic, and a fungicide. As a skin wash, black walnut hulls are used to treat ringworm and yeast infections of the skin. Mountain Rose Herbs (2008-07-15)

Black walnut hull extract is unquestionably one of the best and safest worming agents offered by the plant world. But it can be toxic if not used with proper care, caution, and training. It is an herb best reserved for use by experienced practitioners.

Pau d'arco Extracts of the whole herb do appear to fight yeast and fungal infections, and early investigations displayed some promise against malignancies.. bottom line is that pau d'arco seems to be more promising for fungal infections than malignant cancers.
Pau D' Arco Tabebuia impertiginosa, various species

Tabebuia impertiginosa flowering tree

Common Names
Pau D' Arco , lapacho, taheebo

Botanical Name
Tabebuia impertiginosa, various species


Pau D' Arco Medicinal Properties & Benefits
Common Uses:
Cancer *
Candida/Yeast Infection *
Liver *

Properties: Antifungal* AntiViral* Hepatic* Tonic*
Parts Used: Inner bark
Constituents: Lapachol, lapachone, and isolapachone, tannins

Pau d'acrco fights infections of all kinds

The Mayans and Incas of South America regarded pau d'acrco as an important healing herb, but the scientific study is still very preliminary. There is a great deal of practical evidence, however, that pau d'arco can be used with success to treat colds, flu, sore throat, and yeast infections. Laboratory evidence suggests that the herb contains compounds that protect against tropical diseases, specifically malaria, schistosomiasis, and tropical fevers. The herb is added to ointments to treat psoriasis, and taken orally to relieve ulcers. Mountain Rose Herbs (2008-16-16)

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Prostate Cancer - Prevention tips

Prostate Cancer - Prevention

You can take steps that may lower your chances of getting prostate cancer*.

Eat more low-fat, high-fiber foods, or foods with omega-3 fatty acids, such as:

* Soy products, like tofu and soy beans.
* Tomatoes and foods that contain tomato sauce.
* Vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage.
* Fish, like salmon, albacore tuna, and sardines.
* Walnuts and flaxseed, and their oils.

Researchers are looking into other things that may help prevent prostate cancer.
These include:

* Medicines, such as finasteride or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
* Drinking red wine or green tea.
* Supplements, such as vitamins D and E, and selenium.

*Prostate Cancer - Description
Prostate cancer is the abnormal growth of cells in the tissues of the prostate gland. The prostate gland is a walnut-shaped organ located below a man's bladder that produces fluid for semen.

Experts do not know the exact cause of prostate cancer, but they believe that factors such as age and family history may increase a man's risk for developing the disease. Prostate cancer is more common in men who are older than 50 and is the second most common cause of cancer deaths among men.

Prostate cancer usually does not cause symptoms in the early stages. When symptoms are present, they may include urinary problems such as inability to urinate or incontinence.

Prostate cancer is often curable if it is discovered early. Treatment options include watchful waiting (surveillance), medication, radiation therapy, and surgery.


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The Six Super Foods Every Woman Needs

The Six Super Foods Every Woman Needs
The foods you really need to stay you healthy and strong
By Colette Bouchez
WebMD Feature
Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD

From the food pyramid to the Internet to your local bookstore, there is certainly no shortage of advice on nutrition and healthy eating. But with all the media hype surrounding many “health foods,” it can be hard for a woman to tell the nutrients from advertising ploys.

“We are sometimes led to believe that a specific food is healthier than it really is,” says nutritionist Elizabeth Somer, MS, RD, author of Age-proof Your Body. “Or that you need some exotic or expensive form of certain nutrients to gain benefits -- and most of the time that’s not true.”

Moreover -- as happened in the '90s when low fat cookies made everyone temporarily forget about calories -- Somer says some of today’s advertising sways us toward one healthy aspect of a food to keep us from noticing other, less healthy attributes. “A product may advertise itself as ‘no cholesterol’' she says, “but it still can be loaded with bad fats or tons of calories. You have to look at the total food to know for sure.”

NYU nutritionist Tara Miller, MS, RD, agrees. “You have to read the whole label, look at all the ingredients and the portion sizes, before you know for sure just how healthy a food is.”

Or you can let us do the work for you! To help you zero in on the healthiest foods that women can eat, we asked a panel of experts for their advice.

What follows is a description of the six super foods they say every woman needs. While these foods won’t cover all your nutrient bases, incorporating them into your diet as often as possible can help give you a wide range of protection.
Super foods for women: What you need

Super Food # 1: Low-fat yogurt
Goal: 3 to 5 servings a week

What it does: As a health food, yogurt is almost as old as, well, good health itself. But experts say evidence continues to accumulate that reveals its benefits in many new and exciting ways. And not just yogurt. Somer tells WebMD that any fermented dairy product -- including kefir -- contains healthy “probiotics” -- bacteria with the power to protect you in myriad ways.

“There is a suggestion [that yogurt] may decrease the risk of breast cancer,” Somer says. ”And there’s very strong evidence it can reduce problems associated with irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory digestive tract disorders -- both conditions that impact women more than men.” Additionally, she says, yogurt can help reduce the risk of stomach ulcers and vaginal infections.

Enjoy a cup of yogurt at breakfast, lunch, or snack to help meet the U.S. Dietary Guidelines recommendation for three servings of low fat dairy each day. “It’s loaded with bone-healthy calcium -- something every woman needs more of at every age,” Somer says. One cup of yogurt has about 448 mg of calcium, compared to just 300 for eight ounces of skim milk.

The key, according to Somer, is to choose a low fat yogurt with live cultures -- like Lactobacillus acidophilus. And do check the label, Somer advises. Some store brands may not have the level of cultures found in more established brands.

Also important: Skip the fruit-on-the-bottom or other flavored varieties. “Too much sugar,” says Somer, who also reminds us that, no, those two blueberries on the bottom of the container do not constitute a serving of fruit!

Super Food # 2: Fatty fish -- like salmon, sardines, and mackerel
Goal: 2 to 3 servings every week

What it does: The healthy factor in fish is omega-3 fatty acids, and specifically two types known as DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid).

“Fatty fish not only plays a vital role in the health of the membrane of every cell in our body, it also helps protect us from a number of key health threats,” says Laurie Tansman, MS, RD, CDN, a nutritionist at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York.

Some of those threats include heart disease, stroke, hypertension, depression, joint pain, and a number of illnesses linked to inflammation, including lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Somer says fish may even offer some protection against Alzheimer’s disease.

While many foods -- such as walnuts, flaxseed oil, and some mayonnaise brands -- claim the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids, Somer cautions that only the DHA or EPA forms of omega-3 can be directly used by the body.

“What you get in foods like walnuts and flaxseed oil is an omega-3 acid known as ALA -- alpha-linoleic acid,” says Somer. “And while it’s certainly good for you, it requires a process in the body to convert it to DHA. And that conversion process can be influenced by a variety of individual factors.”

The good news: You are likely to see a wheelbarrow full of new products supplemented with DHA slowly making their way to market in the coming year. Currently, Kellogg is reportedly developing a cereal fortified with DHA, while a company called Nutri-Kids has already launched a DHA fortified ready-to-drink milk product. You can also find eggs fortified with DHA and, says Somer, certain brands of soymilk.

Super Food # 3: Beans
Goal: 3 to 4 servings every week

What it does: Low in fat, beans are a good source of protein and fiber and may have protective effects against heart disease and breast cancer. Beans may also play a role in stabilizing female hormones, says nutritionist Susan Krause, MS, RD.

“Beans have been around so long that most people don’t view them as a fancy new health food,” Krause says. “But in fact, they are among one of the healthiest things a woman can eat.”

In studies published in the International Journal of Cancer, researchers found that beans in general, and lentils in particular, may have some protective effects against breast cancer. In research published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, doctors found a relationship between a lower incidence of cardiovascular disease and a higher intake of legumes. Well known legumes include peas, beans, lentils, and peanuts.

As a source of both soluble and insoluble fiber, Krause says, beans can help lower cholesterol, while their level of a nutrient known as isoflavone can help in the regulation of hormones and may aid with PMS, perimenopause, or menopause symptoms. Although soybeans have among the highest levels of isoflavones, other sources include red clover, kudzu, mung beans, alfalfa sprouts, black cohosh, and chickpeas.

“Beans also contain something called protease inhibitors, which may help protect against breast cancer,” says Krause. Protease inhibitors help slow the division of cancer cells and in this way may prevent tumor formation.

Last but not least, if you are in your reproductive years, beans can give you a steady supply of folic acid -- essential if you should become pregnant.

Super Food # 4: Tomatoes (or watermelon, red grapefruit, red navel oranges)
Goal: 3 to 5 servings each week

What it does: The powerhouse nutrient in all these fruits is lycopene. And, according to Miller, while the headlines touted its protective effects against prostate cancer, more quiet research has shown it has tremendous health benefits for women as well.

“Research is starting to show that lycopene may protect against breast cancer,” Miller says. 'And it’s also a powerful antioxidant that can help a woman fight heart disease.”

The very latest research shows it may also help keep you looking younger longer by protecting against UV damage from the sun.

Super Food # 5: Vitamin D fortified low fat milk or orange juice
Goal: At least 400 IUs of vitamin D daily

What it does: “Essential to helping the bones absorb calcium from the gut,” says Somer, “vitamin D helps reduce the risk of osteoporosis and may be vital in reducing the risk of diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and tumors of the breast, colon, and ovary.”

Indeed, recent studies from the University of California San Diego suggest that vitamin D has the potential to prevent up to one–half of all breast, colon, and ovarian cancer in the United States.

Somer says that a growing body of research indicates many women may be vitamin D deficient. “A combination of staying out of the sun (which the body uses to manufacture vitamin D) and using sunscreen, which blocks the synthesis of vitamin D, has resulted in many women hitting a dangerously low level of this nutrient,” says Somer.

While Vitamin D is found in salmon, mackerel, tuna, and sardines, experts say fortified foods, such as milk, are the best source.

Super Food # 6: Berries (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, cranberries)
Goal: 3 to 4 servings every week

What It Does: In a way similar to wine, these fruits may protect your body with powerful anti-cancer nutrients known as anthocyans, which are believed to play a role in cell repair. Krause says research shows anthocyans may decrease the risk of several cancers, including those in the breast and gastrointestinal tract.

“These berries,” says Krause, “are also high in vitamin C and folic acid, which is essential for all women in their childbearing years. And they offer powerful anti-oxidant protection, which not only protects the heart but also may protect against skin aging, from the inside out.” Moreover, she says that cranberries may help reduce the risk of urinary tract infections in women, while the nutrient, lutein found in all the berries, can help protect vision.