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Getting Started with Raw Food...
Over the last decade, I've reviewed a bunch of health programs, diets and challenges. Most of them were either too hard for the average person to do, had obvious mistakes, and others were downright dangerous. These are programs you never heard about from me and never will.
I want to help you succeed - easily and safely.
Recently I found one program that really resonated with me and I'm excited to try it.
The program was created by bestselling author and health expert Kevin Gianni. I've been following Kevin's work and he's really raised the bar when it comes to cutting-edge and whole food nutrition. While most nutritionists and health gurus are preaching nutrition news from the 1960's, Kevin has taken the best of nature and modern science and helped create something that can literally change your life.
The program is called "The Raw Food Challenge" and it is a 7 day plan to help you detoxify your body, lose weight and get more energy than you've felt in years.
The raw food diet has been embraced by doctors and nutritionists as one of the best ways to detoxify and lose weight. Even New York Times bestselling author Dr. Oz talks about the benefits of eating raw foods. Celebrities as well have used raw foods to stay slim and in shape for movies and TV.
So naturally, raw foods have been my radar for a while. Any of you that know me will know that when I heard from Kevin about this program, I was ready to try it. Come and join me...
Take The 7 Day Challenge With Me
I think this program is the one thing that could snap you back on track with your eating and diet. It's easy enough to do and the results can be significant. One person who recently went through the program lost 11 pounds (her husband lost 8).
The Raw Food Challenge will help you lose weight and get more energy and the best news is that you don't have to eat raw foods for the rest of your life to get results...
It's only 7 days, and even though that's a short time, you will actually start to see dramatic results in your energy and your waist line.
In fact, Kevin guarantees it.
I just want you to join me for this challenge and explore this way of eating for one short week, since I know how dramatically it could transform the way you feel.
The 7 Day Challenge
I promise you won't be eating rabbit food either...
I've taken a look at the recipes and they do look really tasty and filling!
What's even better is that "The Raw Food Challenge is a complete program with all your meals and recipes laid out for you. There's even a shopping list you can take to the grocery store with you.
Kevin also tells me that you won't pay a much for your produce and the meals take a TOTAL of 15-20 minutes a day to prepare.
The Raw Food Challenge has just been released and there are thousands and thousands of people who are stepping up to take this challenge together. In fact, starting May 2nd, Kevin will be coaching you and those brave enough to step-up to the challenge through phone support. This is an added bonus to the program, but you have to sign up soon to make sure your slot for this unique coaching is reserved.
Now is your time to take action too.... maybe it will help you get out of a rut or recharge your system or better yet, help you lose a couple of extra pounds in only a week.
Click Here for 7 Day Challenge
Be Healthy, Be Happy... Keep Your Vibes Positive (EF500 or more)!
Stay Grateful, Loving, Happy and Blessed!
Love, Light & Abundance,
P.S. Think about where you'll be in 7 days from now, after you've been through the challenge... in just 7 days you could have energy that you haven't had in years and your clothes will fit better too...
7 Day Challenge
Be Healthy, Be Happy... Keep Your Vibes Positive (EF500 or more)!
Stay Grateful, Loving, Happy and Blessed!
Love, Light & Abundance,
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