Thursday, 21 January 2010

4 foods to NEVER eat...


Here's an article from my friend Mike Geary.
I think you will all find interesting whether you are trying to lose weight, build muscle or interested in your healthcare in general.

Look after yourself,
Stay Grateful, Loving, Happy & blessed!

GeeZone - Helping u 2 Help U!
4 Foods to NEVER eat

Two of these foods (or drink) below, I would NEVER eat all, and the other 2, I 
would only eat in very small quantities. If you want to stop struggling with 
bodyfat, and also have superior health, these foods should be minimized or 
eliminated. I'll explain more...

1. Soy

Despite being heavily marketed and promoted as a "health food" by the multi 
billion dollar soy industry, this food has more drawbacks than it does benefits. 
In fact, I would label soymilk, isolated soy protein, and tofu as junk foods.

And don't even get me started on the excess estrogenic compounds in processed 
soy... if you want to increase your belly fat, keep pounding down that soymilk 
and tofu!

A small amount unprocessed soy, such as edamame, is not a big deal... especially 
if it's organic. And small amounts of fermented soy such as tempe and miso are 
ok too (because the fermentation reduces anti-nutrients in soy)... but try to 
minimize/eliminate most other forms of soy... and that includes soybean oil, 
which is in almost ALL processed foods, commercial salad dressings, etc.

A fully detailed article on the health issues surrounding soy can be found here:

2. Wheat

Most people don't realize this, but a large % of the total population has at 
least some degree of intolerance to digesting wheat... particularly the high 
gluten content of wheat.  

Most people are not full blown Celiacs (who need to avoid wheat entirely), but 
the majority of people would find improvements to their health and bodyfat by 
testing eliminating wheat for several weeks, and taking note of how they feel, 
look, and their measurements.

I know it's a hard thing to do since a HUGE portion of the modern western diet 
is made from wheat products, but I've found it's quite easy to do at home once 
you get used to it.  Dining out is a different story.

Personally, I choose to almost entirely avoid wheat in all of my meals at home.  
I only dine out occasionally, or on vacations, so that's the only time when I 
eat wheat.

A more detailed description of the issues with wheat and how it affects your 
body can be found here:

3.  Soda or sweetened drinks (including commercial juices)

This is one that I personally choose to NEVER consume! Even on cheat days, 
vacations, or dining out, I think this stuff is pure evil enough to never even 

If you care about your body at all, there's just no reason to consume soda in 
any amount. It's pure sugar (or worse, high fructose corn syrup), has ZERO 
nutrition, and has many other issues related to the additives, acids, etc.

In addition, the consumption of this calorically-dense but nutritionally-absent 
liquid actually makes your body crave more food, because you consumed calories 
without consuming any nutrients. It also spikes your blood sugar out of whack 
causing wild blood sugar swings and additional cravings.

I'm always amazed how many people tell me that they are desperately trying to 
lose wt, but yet I see them drinking a soda.  I don't get it.

4.  Anything deep fried (or anything with trans fats)

You would think the entire population should know by now how dangerous consuming 
trans fats really is... yet people ignore these dangers and scarf down deep 
fried foods like french fries, corn chips, and donuts every day.

If you study some of the biochemical reactions that take place in the body of 
humans after consuming trans fats, you would realize this is essentially a 

It's not a poison that's going to kill you immediately, but it's a poison that 
causes inflammation throughout the body, and even detrimentally affects all of 
your cell membranes (remember from bio101 that your cell membranes need fats for 
their composition, and trans fats disrupt healthy cell membranes).

I've found that if I can get people to view trans fats as the true POISON that 
they really are, they finally realize the importance of avoiding them 
ENTIRELY... and to stop poisoning their kids too by allowing them to eat deep 
fried foods (especially important for kids to avoid trans fats since it can 
impair development)

Here's an article I did previously on good trans fats vs bad trans fats:

Don't be lazy... be lean.

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
Founder - &

84 Day Healthy Meal Plans for Hardgainers
How to eat 3000-5000 calories/day & stay lean
Mike Geary

How to trick your body to lose blubber...

More . . .


GeeZone - Massage, Health  Beauty Therapies.
Holistic & Remedial treatments, services and products available with the categories of Massage (various techniques), Health (body, mind & spirit) & Beauty (a select range of services). Geezone provide an onsite massage treatment service for organisations and businesses. GeeZone provide workshops on various massage, health and beauty subjects. Geezone also distribute and are affiliated with top brand high quality supplement and skin care and select brand name companies providing effective, quality products online at a excellent price.

Helping U 2 Help U . . . Unlock Your Potential!

GeeZone - Massage, Health & Beauty Therapies
Gee Morris-Osborne MAR: BACS: BABTAC
Director/Consultant/Therapies/Personal-Life Coach

For further information on services and products
call/text: +44(0)7931 100 093
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GeeZone is not responsible for any information or advice given on links from our website. Again, please consult your doctor or health care agent about any medical concerns. Links are primarily provided for further information or products connected with the subject discussed on the page where link's are found.

Gain Muscle and Burn Bodyfat At The Same Time


 I just received this article from Jon Benson and HAD to share it with you.

It really opened my eyes to what is possible.

Let me know what you think, okay?

Look after yourself,
Stay Grateful, Loving, Happy & Blessed!

GeeZone - Helping U 2 Help U!

How To Gain Muscle And Burn
Bodyfat At The Same Time

by Jon Benson

What is your "big dream?"

I have two:

-- To make an impact on the lives of over 10M people before I die;

-- To have a family that's mobile so I can live in many places.

Not bad, right?

Want to know a "third" dream of mine?  One that I saw become a reality a few years ago?

To gain muscle AND burn bodyfat all at the same time.

It's like a pipe-dream that somehow worked its way through the pipes and into my gym.

It is not easy, granted, but you can do it.

Almost anyone can do it.

You just have to train and eat in a very specific way.

Listen:  You do NOT want to just "burn bodyfat" or god-forbid "lose-weight"... that will not give you the body you want.

You absolutely MUST shape your muscles, tighten and tone, and burn bodyfat.

And you can do it at the same time.

Most pros disagree with me. They think it is metabolically impossible to gain muscle while in a state of low-calorie dieting.

They are wrong.

Here's an article I wrote on this topic. I hope you enjoy it.

To save you time, I put a link to the online complete version of the article below...

- - - - -

I remember a friendly argument with my co-author of Fit Over 40 Tom Venuto. It all started when I told Tom how I was eating and training for my last peak. A peak is where you lower your bodyfat and try to maintain as much muscle mass as possible.

"There's just no way I could ever get in shape eating and training like that," says Tom. "Sure you could man...what are you, a mutant?" Tom fires back, then me, then Tom....and so it goes. (I really didn't call Tom a mutant. That was creative liberty.)

So why are so many fitness pros like Tom freaked out about my training and nutrition plan? Simple: I claim it burns fat while building muscle at the same time. Every time I read an article by some doctor or expert claiming it's "biologically impossible" to gain lean muscle mass on a hypocaloric diet (a diet low in calories) I just laugh.

I do more than make claims--I have proved this to be true many times. I've had my bodyfat hydrostatically measured during several peaks. In all but one I showed an increase of muscle mass and a decrease of bodyfat during a 12-16 week period. The one time I didn't show an increase in muscle mass when was I was training the most in the gym. That may not make sense right now, but it will in a moment.

Continue article and see video here -- 
(secure site)

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GeeZone Weight Management


GeeZone - Massage, Health & Beauty Therapies.
Holistic & Remedial treatments, services and products available with the categories of Massage (various techniques), Health (body, mind & spirit) & Beauty (a select range of services). Geezone provide an onsite massage treatment service for organisations and businesses. GeeZone provide workshops on various massage, health and beauty subjects. Geezone also distribute and are affiliated with top brand high quality supplement and skin care companies providing effective, quality products online at a excellent price.

Helping U 2 Help U . . . Unlock Your Potential!

GeeZone - Massage, Health & Beauty Therapies
Gee Morris-Osborne MAR: BACS: BABTAC
Director/Consultant/Therapies/Personal-Life Coach
For further information on services and products
Call/text: +44(0)7931 100 093
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Friday, 1 January 2010 - The Infection Information site is a well researched resource of information on the wide spectrum of infections ranging through the bacterial, fungal and viral species.

The site provides orthodox information on infections, the symptoms, the causes, the treatments and the preventions, complimented by it's holistic approach.

Visually pleasing pictures and easily understood text, make this site well worth the visit and one to save to your favorites. Whether you favour orthodox medicine, alternative medicine or both, this site will prove to be a highly recommended source of practical information.

Symptoms of Infections

Click links below for more information within the catogories

Three Types of Infections


Diagnosis of Sinusitis
Written by admin Diagnosis, Gallery Nov 17, 2009
Diagnosis of Sinusitis
When the medical professional is attempting to determine the cause of the sinus infection, there are several processes that may be done. For example, the doctor will probably check to see if there is tenderness in the throat or nasal passages. Blockages, pockets where infections can thrive or abnormalities can be viewed with the aid [...]

Natural treatments and preventative methods for infections can also be found on the links below: -
F.L.P. Aloe Magic -

Order Direct Forever Living Products -

Tianshi Health Products -

 Organic Preventions for Yeast Infections

The Finchley Clinic - Clean Your colon with Oxypowder -

GeeZone Supplements -

The Fresh Network -

Kalyx Natural Food, Skincare & Supplements -

More examples of information available at

Illness in Your Dog “Dog is a man’s best friend”. If this is the case, then we must treat them accordingly; constant check ups, proper nutrition, and daily exercise. All dogs rely on our commitment for survival. 1. Vaccination: Each dog must receive proper vaccination annually in order to prevent any infectious illnesses. Although your dog may seem healthy, in order to survive he must receive the » Media • by admin 

Throat Infection Dry throat? Coughing? Inflammation? You may have a throat infection. Throat infections effect millions of people each year. The pain can range from a mild annoyance to a unbearable suffering. Although symptoms may range, the cause is quite simple; micro-organisms. This potential mild annoyance must be taken care of, because if left alone, throat infections have been known to lead

Staph Infections Although that small cut on your finger may seem minuscule, it is a portal for all bacteria. The most common disease causing bacteria is the Staphylococcus aureus, better known as Staph Infection. This infection can find its way into your body through several different avenues, in several different ways and it is extremely important to deal with it right away. Although most cases o » Media • by admin 

Bacterial Infections You wake up in the morning, eat breakfast, drive your car to work, walk up the stairs to your office, shake hands with employees, and all the while you have not thought once, about the deadliest item surrounding your day; bacteria. Bacteria is a microscopic organism that floats through the air, lives on intimate objects, and thrives on the scientific make up of your body. Thro

Organic Solutions All individuals can suffer from a bladder infection, but not everyone knows what to do to cure it. In order to know how to remedy the infection, one must establish the actions that cause a bladder infection. This infection can occur through an inconsistent diet or an over consumption of alcohol. All nutrients are soaked in through the kidneys which then stabilizes the bladder. If

Kidney Infections in Dogs Have you ever taken a urine sample from your dog? Ever take his/her temperature? Monitor his/her urinary habits? Maybe you should, it could mean he state of their kidneys, perhaps even the state of their life. A dog’s kidneys remove waste and absorb nutrients, kind of like a filter. While balancing electrolyte levels, the kidneys maintain red blood cell production. The ki. . . » Media • by admin  

Dec 23 2009

Tattoo Infected You stand up and look in the mirror at the tattoo you jut received; a piece of art that symbolizes an expression of your morals, your beliefs, perhaps your mistakes. But how do you know it won’t get infected? How do you know for sure the place you received your tattoo is credible? How do you know that the tattoo artist truly sanitized his tools? Infected tattoos can occur from a va. . . » Media • by admin 

*Promotions Courtesy of GeeZone*


GeeZone - Massage, Health & Beauty Therapies.
Holistic & Remedial treatments, services and products available with the categories of Massage (various techniques), Health (body, mind & spirit) & Beauty (a select range of services). Geezone provide an onsite massage treatment service for organisations and businesses. GeeZone provide workshops on various massage, health and beauty subjects. Geezone also distribute and are affiliated with top brand high quality supplement and skin care companies providing effective, quality products online at a excellent price.
Helping U 2 Help U . . . Unlock Your Potential!

GeeZone - Massage, Health & Beauty Therapies
Gee Morris-Osborne MAR: BACS: BABTAC
Director/Consultant/Therapies/Personal-Life Coach
For further information on services and products
call/text: +44(0)7931 100 093
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The information provided on this website should not be used as a replacement for medical diagnosis, advice, or treatment. Always discuss any health problem or issues you have with your doctor or health care agent.

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